Business Website, digital marketing, Google Business Profile

How to Protect Your Business from Google Spam Calls

There’s a new scam on the rise. Business owners are being targeted by callers who claim to be from Google regarding their Google Business Profiles.

The Google Business Profile (GBP) is a crucial tool for businesses, especially small businesses. It works to establish an online presence that puts businesses in front of customers seeking the products or services they provide. Unfortunately, scammers have found a way to exploit this by posing as Google representatives in an attempt to deceive business owners.

One common scenario involves receiving a call from someone claiming to be from Google, stating that there are issues with their Business Profile that need immediate attention. They might mention the need for urgent updates or improvements and ask for personal or financial information. It’s important to note that Google does not make unsolicited calls about your Business Profile, nor will they ever ask for money. The Google Business Profile is a free product/tool for businesses to use. Google provides a range of tools and services for businesses, many of which are free or have transparent pricing structures. If someone requests payment over the phone, it’s likely a scam.

Protect Yourself and Your Business

To protect yourself and your business from falling victim to these scams, consider the following precautions:

Verify the Caller’s Identity: If someone claims to be from Google, ask for their name, contact information, and a callback number. Legitimate Google representatives will provide this information. If you have doubts about the legitimacy of a call, hang up and independently verify the information. Contact Google through official channels to confirm the status of your Business Profile.

Be Wary: Google typically communicates with users through email or notifications within their Google accounts. Be cautious if someone initiates contact over the phone without prior communication. Unless you’ve contacted support for your profile, Google will not call you.

Never Share Personal Information: Google will never ask for sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card details, over the phone. Do not share any personal or financial information with these callers.

Report Suspicious Calls: If you receive a suspicious call, report the phone number and any other information you discover to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Better Business Bureau (BBB). This helps authorities track and address these fraudulent activities.

Remember, scammers constantly evolve their tactics, so stay informed and be vigilant. By being cautious and following these guidelines, you can protect your business and yourself from falling prey to scams related to your Google Business Profile. 


Understanding the New Metrics on Local Service Ads (LSA)

Last November, Google rolled out new metrics and impressions data on Local Service Ads (LSAs). We have found this to be useful information worthy of sharing.

Where to Find the New Information

Once you’re in your LSA dashboard, you can find this data under the “Reports” tab. 

Once found, here’s what it looks like:

Understanding The Impressions Data

Ad Impressions – “The number of times your ad appeared in search results during the selected date range.” Using the example above, 9223 is the number of times this LSA was shown between Jan 1 and Jan 31. 

Top Impressions Rate on Search – “During the selected date range, the percentage of your impressions that are shown anywhere above the results that aren’t paid for.” Again, using this example, this LSA was shown 100% of the time above the organic results between Jan 1 and Jan 31.

Absolute Top Impressions Rate on Search – “During the selected date range, the percentage of your impressions that are shown as the very first ad in search results.” This LSA was shown 52.68% of the time as the first ad of the paid ads in the search results between Jan 1 and Jan 31.

How This Helps

Monitoring ad impressions helps businesses, or agencies managing LSAs gauge the effectiveness of their online marketing efforts and assess the reach of their ads. 

A very low to no Ad Impressions number could indicate a critical problem with the LSA, such as a billing problem, a suspended Ad, a business verification item not complete, a low budget, or simply a not fully optimized LSA.

Analyzing trends in ad impressions data allows businesses to refine their targeting strategies, optimize ad content, and allocate resources effectively to maximize visibility and engagement within their local community. 

By interpreting ad impressions data, businesses can immediately identify issues that may not be so obvious. They can also make informed decisions to improve their online advertising performance and attract more business.

For more information on setting up and optimizing your Google Guaranteed LSA account, call the specialists at 99 Calls at 800-717-4669.

Google Ads, Lead Generation, Lead Generation for Contractors, online marketing, Pay Per Click Advertising, PPC

Enhanced Features for Verified Google Ads Customers

Advantages of Having Logos & Business Names On Google Ads 

If you run Google Ads campaigns, you may have already noticed a big change recently. Business logos and names are now being shown with the ads. They have the effect of making ads feel more personal and allowing businesses to promote a stronger sense of “brand”. Using the new features gained through extra verification steps can help consumers recognize your business and set you apart from your competitors.

Who is Eligible? 

To become eligible for Google’s new enhanced features for your business, you must complete Google’s advertiser verification process. Google recently began selecting businesses at random and requiring them to complete the verification as part of their initiative to include disclosures for each ad. However, anyone can opt to complete the process.

The verification process involves submitting information such as the business contact’s name, the company’s official name, and its location, among other details. Learn more about Google’s requirements and its verification process from its support page. While verification is often optional, an increasing number of businesses are being required to complete the process to run their ads.

Whether required or not, taking the extra steps to become verified is advantageous because there are new features available for verified advertisers. The Certified Ads Specialists at 99 Calls have begun to encourage all Google Ads customers to become verified and they have a program in place to assist them throughout the process.

What Do the Updated Ads Look Like? 

Take a look at the two examples of Google Ads below. The first one is a business that has not been verified. They are unable to add their name, image extension or logo to their Ad. The second example below has completed the process.

  1. Here is an example of an ad for a carpet cleaning business in Southwest Florida without the logo, name or image extension:

2. Here is an example of one of our client’s Ads for carpet cleaning in Tampa. We have added the logo, company name and image extension: 

If you were in search of a carpet cleaning company in Tampa, which company would you choose from the two examples? We believe the choice is clear.

Learn More:

If you’d like to explore further details about the updated business information features, check out one of the following articles. Search ads with business information or the about information support posts directly from Google. Having issues getting your business verified, or want to learn more about how 99 Calls can help you get exclusive leads using Google Ads? Contact us today! 

Business Website, Carpet Cleaning Leads, cleaning business leads, Contractor Leads for Winter, digital marketing, Google Ads, Google Business Profile, Google Guaranteed, How much is online marketing, Lead Generation, Lead Generation for Contractors, Lead Management, LSA, Off season marketing, online marketing, PPC, Roofing Advertising, Roofing Leads, SEM, SEO, service contractor leads

3 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid – Winter 2023-24

Fall marks the beginning of the slower season for many contractors. The period between Mid November and into March yields far fewer consumers looking to remodel, move or deep clean. People are focused on gearing up for the holidays and preparing for the new year ahead.

There are several mistakes that contractors frequently make during these lean times. You might be tempted to cut way back on your marketing budget, lay off and lay low to avoid any unnecessary expenses. Savvy contractors utilize these slower winter months to build their business and prepare for the busy season ahead. They work to keep revenue channels open. Taking steps now will poise your business for exponential growth your prime season begins.

#1: Cut Way Back on Marketing

It might seem necessary to drastically cut your marketing budget as winter approaches. However, when your cue of booked jobs drops, this is an excellent time to review your marketing strategy and trim out the efforts that aren’t yielding results. There are plenty of opportunities there to gain some leads, win new jobs, and keep your team on the payroll. Here are some ways to improve and refine your marketing efforts:

  • If you are losing money on print (mailers, brochures, etc.), it may be time to pause or halt that marketing channel.
  • If you are paying more for leads that you are making in jobs, it may be time to find a new lead company.  There are lead generation businesses that produce better results than others. Now is a great time to evaluate the results that were achieved in 2023. What is your close rate? What is your lead conversion rate?
  • Google Ads is an excellent option for increasing lead volume during the winter. The team at 99 Calls is still seeing a 15 – 20% conversion rate on Google Ads campaigns. Google Ads marketing allows contractors to target specific services in selected areas so that you can get more done with a smaller budget. 
  • Try LSA. Google Guaranteed has expanded its reach in terms of locations and industries served. If you’re not sure if LSA is offered for your industry, check with one of our team members.
  • Run a database reactivation campaign and stay top of mind with former customers.

#2: Cut Way Back on Labor

Because there is a general shortage of skilled and highly motivated laborers in the workforce, if you are lucky enough to have them on your crew, now is not the time to lay them off. Here are some strategies to keep them going:

  • Do what you can to keep those smaller jobs coming in, even if at lower profit margins to keep your valued workers gainfully employed. During the busy months, you can afford to cherry-pick, but during the lean months, expand your options and take what you can, as long as it’s profitable.
  • We all prefer winning big jobs and jobs that provide recurring business. However, smaller gigs can keep your favorite employees on the payroll and often lead to larger, more valuable jobs in the future.
  • Keeping employees busy during the winter months building trust and loyalty. See step #1 above for ideas on generating more leads during the winter. Be willing to book smaller jobs and one-off jobs to keep your calendar full and your people working.

#3: Take it Easy and Just Chill for the Winter

As tempting as it may be to take a long winter nap, consider work you can do now that will go a long way toward keeping you super busy for the rest of the year. Yes, take that well-earned vacation but then get going on some of the suggestions below:

  • Take a look at your SEO efforts. Are you promoting the services that you offer in the winter months now? It takes time for new content to get indexed and start ranking on Google. Now is the time to promote the services you want to offer in March, April and May.
  • Beef up your website and online listings with new photos.
  • Contact former happy customers and send them a link to your Google Business Profile. Take the time now to get more 5-star reviews. 
  • Contact current customers and offer a discount when they book winter services. 
  • Plan your 2024 budget. What are your goals for the new year in terms of growth, revenue, advertising? 
  • Take time in the slower weeks ahead to review what’s working, what isn’t and see where you can trim the fat. 
  • Take some of your summer profits and invest them in some solid targeted online marketing. Remember, smart online marketing is an investment, not an expense!
  • Once you’ve got these things in place, take a quick break – you’ll be recharged and ready to reap the rewards of your efforts!

If the thought of laser-focusing your marketing dollars and finding low-cost, high-value leads seems out of reach at the moment, consider trying the bundle program with 99 Calls. For a $349 price tag, you’ll get set up on both SEO marketing, which will grow over time, and a Google Ads or Google Guaranteed campaign that can start working for you immediately. Database reactivation campaigns are another low cost/high return marketing strategy that you can do now to get more business.

Get Started Here


Google Phases Out Free Website Feature

For years, Google allowed users the option of creating a free business website through the Google Business Profile platform. Recently Google announced the discontinuation of its free website feature. As of March 1, 2024, websites created through Google’s free platform will no longer be accessible, and visitors will be redirected to the corresponding Google Business Profile.  Then in June, the redirect will also be removed and users landing on your website will simply see an unavailable message.

Users are receiving an email notification, as seen below:

This move signifies a shift in Google’s strategy, urging users to transition to the Google Business Profile platform. Users affected by this change are encouraged to explore alternative website hosting options to regain control over their online presence. One such option is 99 Calls, which offers a basic website creation and hosting starting at just $49 per month.

In the SEO community, it is always important to be aware of emerging trends and to adapt online strategies accordingly. As the digital landscape continues to transform, individuals and businesses must be proactive in seeking viable solutions to maintain a robust online presence.

Business Website, Carpet Cleaning Leads, cleaning business leads, Commercial Cleaning Leads, Contractor Leads for Winter, Google Ads, Google Business Profile, Google Guaranteed, How much is online marketing, Lead Generation, Online Appointment Booking

3 Strategies to Beef up Your Business During Winter 2023-2024

3 Strategies to Implement Now

Now that the colder weather has arrived, many contractors pull back on their marketing efforts, but the winter is a great time to do just the opposite! While the demand for many of your services slows down between November and March, you can benefit by focusing on and targeting the services that you can provide over the next couple of months.

1. Google Ads:

Winter is a great time to figure out your game plan for your Google ads campaign for the upcoming year. Run some Google ads for services that you can provide now. Many painters and landscapers also do snow plowing and ice dam removal. Many plumbers deal with burst pipes. Building contractors and remodelers take on their interior work. Think about what budget you would like to set, what services you want to target, and what areas you want to focus on marketing in.

2. Google Guaranteed:

Start running Local Service Ads (AKA Google Guaranteed). Many contractors have been pleased with the results that are delivered with their managed LSA accounts. The leads tend to cost less than Google Ads PPC leads and come in faster than traditional SEO lead generation.

  • Google Local Service Ads, or Google Guaranteed offers an additional avenue to show off your business on the first page of Google. LSA is a pay-per-lead program which offers the benefit of a lower lead cost than pay-per-click advertising. If you begin now, your campaign will be further optimized for your busier months!

3. Database Reactivation:

Run a database reactivation campaign to convert old leads. Remind prior customers that you’re here and ready to serve them. Remind those contacts that didn’t hire you the first time around that you exist.

  • If you have a database of “old” leads that you aren’t doing anything with, you’re missing out on potential revenue! Reactivation campaigns are a great, low-cost way to book more jobs at a fraction of the price of a new lead.

Get ahead of your competitors and utilize your winter months wisely by focusing on your marketing efforts while you have the time. Using multiple methods of lead generation may seem daunting. Luckily, companies like 99 Calls can help you manage your marketing efforts and get a return on your investment!

Appliance Repair Leads, Business Website, Carpet Cleaning Leads, cleaning business leads, Commercial Cleaning Leads, digital marketing, Google Ads, Google Business Profile, Google Guaranteed, Lead Generation, Lead Generation for Contractors, Lead Management, LSA, Nurturing, Online Appointment Booking, online marketing, Pay Per Click Advertising, PPC, Roofing Advertising, Roofing Leads, SEM, SEO, service contractor leads

Small Businesses Can Conquer 2024: Goal Setting for Success

As we step into 2024, setting achievable goals is the key to unlocking success. For companies like yours, prioritizing can significantly impact business trajectory. We at 99 Calls help small businesses by understanding their goals and building lead-generation programs to achieve them.

Here are four essential elements to focus on this year:

1. Elevate Customer Satisfaction for Greater Returns

Customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of sustained growth. Happy customers not only lead to referrals but also contribute to positive reviews that bolster conversions and reputation. Depending on your industry, satisfied clients might also translate to repeat jobs, ensuring a steady flow of business. Customers who have account with us are given an easy link for customers to leave reviews on their Google Business Profiles.

2. Streamline Operations with Efficiency as the Guiding Light

Efficient operations are the backbone of successful enterprises. In pursuit of streamlined processes, leveraging the right tools makes all the difference. Whether it’s using a CRM to keep track of business operations, accounting software to keep your cash flow in check, or simply committing to using Google Calendar for all of your appointments, every step in efficiency makes a difference. 

Pssst… we also have a new app that’s free for customers and helps keep leads organized in one place.

3. Amplify Online Presence: Reputation Matters

In the digital age, a strong online presence is non-negotiable. We understand the significance of online reputation management. Engage with our services to bolster your online reputation, ensuring your business stands out among competitors and attracts a wider audience. If you have your own website there are several things to consider, including:

  • When was the last time you posted photos?
  • Do you have specials running?
  • Are your customer reviews prominently displayed?
  • Is your SEO solid and up to date?
  • Do you post blogs on your site?

All of these aspects lead to higher conversion rates and rankings. A quick and easy step towards bolstering your online presence is posting one photo every two to four weeks on your website.

4. Expand Your Customer Base: The Power of Lead Generation

New customers are the lifeblood of growth. Our range of services, from PPC Google Ads and SEO services to Local Service Ads, is designed to boost lead generation. But don’t overlook the power of grassroots growth. Utilize word-of-mouth marketing and strategic marketing materials. Consider trying one of our services or leverage simple strategies like placing signs at every house you work on to attract more leads.

Next Steps: Act Now for Success

  • Use the SMART Goals Spreadsheet: Access our free SMART Goals Spreadsheet to define your business goals clearly and effectively.
  • Consult with Your Account Manager: Speak with your account manager to refine and tailor this year’s objectives based on your unique business needs.
  • Schedule an Appointment: If you’re not currently leveraging 99 Calls’ services, schedule an appointment with our team to explore how we can help you achieve your business goals in 2024.

Let’s start 2024 with a strategic approach towards achieving your business goals. Cheers to a Happy New Year of health, wealth, and joy!